First Class Talent, LLC.

First Class Talent is a full service agency that offers warm, professional support to talent as they grow their brand.  Publishing houses, production companies and organizations booking speakers can expect timely responses and thorough communication while working with our dedicated staff.

Denise Huskins & Aaron Quinn


Denise Huskins is a captivating speaker, critically acclaimed author, and an embodiment of strength in the face of adversity. Her remarkable journey, as depicted in the #1 Netflix show "American Nightmare" and chronicled in her acclaimed book "Victim F: From Crime Victims to Suspects to Survivors", serves as a powerful testament to resilience, courage, and the unwavering human spirit.

In 2015, Denise found herself at the center of a high-profile kidnapping case that not only shook her world but also captivated the nation. Despite facing unimaginable challenges, Denise emerged from this traumatic experience with grace, courage, and an unyielding determination to turn her pain into purpose.

As the author of "Victim F," Denise Huskins courageously shares the intimate details of her harrowing ordeal and the subsequent journey towards healing and empowerment. Her book has resonated with readers worldwide, offering a beacon of hope to those grappling with their own trials.

Denise's story has been brought to life on the small screen through the critically acclaimed Netflix series "American Nightmare." The show not only sheds light on the complexities of her experience but also highlights her resilience, providing viewers with a compelling narrative of survival, strength, and the power of the human spirit.

A sought-after speaker, Denise brings her story to audiences with authenticity, vulnerability, and a message that transcends the boundaries of trauma. Her talks focus on themes such as overcoming adversity, maintaining grace under fire, and transforming personal challenges into opportunities for advocacy and empowerment.

Denise's journey is not just about survival; it's a story of triumph, resilience, and the capacity of the human heart to find strength even in the darkest moments. By sharing her experiences, Denise Huskins inspires others to confront their own challenges with courage, offering a roadmap for navigating life's toughest moments.

Invite Denise to speak, and witness firsthand the transformative power of her story as she imparts lessons of hope, resilience, and the indomitable strength that resides within us all.

Speech Topics

Speech Topic 1: "From Nightmare to Triumph: My Journey of Overcoming Adversity"

Denise Huskins can share her inspiring story of resilience and triumph in the face of a harrowing ordeal. This speech would focus on her personal journey from being a victim to emerging as a survivor, highlighting the strength and courage she displayed throughout. Attendees can expect to gain insights into overcoming adversity, finding inner strength during challenging times, and the importance of perseverance.

Potential Takeaways:

  • Strategies for navigating through difficult circumstances.

  • The power of resilience and its role in overcoming life's challenges.

  • Inspiration to face adversity with courage and determination.

Speech Topic 2: "Grace Under Fire: The power to respond not react"

In this speech, Denise Huskins can delve into the concept of "grace under fire" and share her experiences of harnessing the power to respond and not react. She went from crisis, in captivity, to the turmoil of being labeled a liar, yet was able to maintain composure and dignity while being true to herself. The talk would explore how she managed to stay strong mentally and emotionally, offering valuable lessons on facing uncertainty or mistreatment with grace. Attendees can expect to learn the difference between reacting and responding and about maintaining a positive mindset and handling challenging situations with poise.

Potential Takeaways:

  • Techniques for maintaining composure in the midst of chaos.

  • The importance of a positive mindset during challenging times.

  • Insights into developing emotional resilience.

Speech Topic 3: "Empowering Others: Turning Tragedy into Advocacy"

Denise Huskins can discuss how she transformed her personal tragedy into an opportunity for advocacy and empowerment. This speech would focus on the steps she took to use her experience as a platform for positive change, inspiring others to do the same. Attendees can expect to gain insights into channeling adversity into advocacy, making a difference in their communities, and finding a sense of purpose through service.

Potential Takeaways:

  • How to turn personal challenges into opportunities for positive change.

  • The impact of advocacy in overcoming trauma.

  • Inspiration to make a difference in the lives of others.

These speech topics aim to capture Denise Huskins' journey, emphasizing themes of overcoming adversity and demonstrating grace under fire, while providing attendees with valuable insights and inspiration.